cB1ock Webring

A Web Ring for websites (and the people that run them) that believe in a world beyond the value form.

cB1ock is here to bring together, and help you find, more people out here on the web that think capitalism, that system which engulfs the entire planet, is incredibly fucked up. Everyone is welcome on this ring, as long as that is true for you.

Members (3)

RSS Feeds

What's this?

webring, n. ancient technology from the 1990s used to navigate the internet

If you are a:

then you might want to join.

Code of conduct

  1. Don't be a piece of shit.
  2. See above

How to join

To join the webring, pull request jayemmsea/cb1ock with an updated "data/members.json". If you don't have a GitHub account, you can contact the admin at jayemmsea.github.io.

Once you've joined the ring, copy this code snippet into your site:

<iframe src="https://cb1ock.netlify.com/embed"></iframe>

It will render this banner that links to the other members:

or, if you prefer, copy this code snippet which is text/links only and will conform to your css! It looks like this:

<Prev <Random> Next>